Ambrose Atencio Biography
Ambrose is a full-blooded Native American born to Joseph Ray Atencio and Juanita Atencio. He grew up watching his family of noted potters work. He credits his cousin, Robert Tenorio, for influencing his craftsmanship and designs. Ambrose uses Santo Domingo clay and natural pigments for decoration. All of his pieces are hand-coiled, decorated with Santo Domingo designs, both animal and geometric. He lets his pottery dry and fires outside in the traditional way.
Ambrose signs his pieces: Ambrose Atencio Kewa Santo Domingo Pueblo with the date. The artists in his family include Hilda Coriz, Arthur Coriz, Ione Coriz, and Robert Tenorio. Ambrose has won many awards at juried Native American Arts shows, including Best of Class, Best of Category, and 1st and 2nd place ribbons.