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Contemporary Painters Jeff Aeling: Canyon Road Arts Vol.3 Jeff Aeling, Southwest Art 2002 Jeff Aeling, Western Art Collector 2007 Jeff Aeling, Attracted to Extremes Jeff Aeling, Western Art Collector 2018 Julia Arriola, Artes Magazine 2020 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector 2008 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector 2007 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector 2009 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector...

Illustrating and Painting the West
Illustrating and Painting the Westby Jane BartonPublished online courtesy of Fine Art Connoisseur, May/June 2012Long before Wild West shows and heroes in white Stetsons, the American West was a blank canvas. It entered the world’s visual imagination when artists were sent to the frontier to record what they saw and returned with images that inspired a fascination that continues today. Not only did these artists record the reality of Western life, they also created American icons. Missouri’s George Catlin (1796-1872) and Germany’s Karl Bodmer (1809-1893) won acclaim for their depictions of buffalo hunts and elaborately attired Indian chiefs, but the...