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Contemporary Painters Jeff Aeling: Canyon Road Arts Vol.3 Jeff Aeling, Southwest Art 2002 Jeff Aeling, Western Art Collector 2007 Jeff Aeling, Attracted to Extremes Jeff Aeling, Western Art Collector 2018 Julia Arriola, Artes Magazine 2020 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector 2008 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector 2007 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector 2009 Shonto Begay, Western Art Collector...

Under the Rainbow - Navajo Germantown Weavings
Under the Rainbow - Navajo Germantown Weavingsby Mark SubletteAll images courtesy of Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery, Tucson, AZ, and Santa Fe, NMCourtesy Native American Art, June/July 2016Navajo Third Phase Germantown chief's blanket, ca. 1890, 48" x 73-1/2"Navajo blankets in the 1800s were prized not only for beauty, but also functionality. Plains Indians coveted these wider-than-long striped blankets, so-called chief’s blankets. Several horses could be traded to obtain a single Navajo serape, which might take the Navajo weaver a year to produce. The textiles were often tight enough to repel water with a design sense toward simplicity. Weavings from this...