Aeling, Jeff

Out on location, Jeff Aeling absorbs the geography and the rich earth colors, terra verde, ochre and reds that permeate the landscape. Jeff Aeling’s universal landscapes possess a stunning intimacy that conveys unexpected power and emotion. His paintings draw upon a vastness that gives you a sense of wonder and awe about the universe.
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Jeff Aeling American Landscape painter

Jeff Aeling American Landscape painter

Jeff Aeling Landscape Painter interview Epi 28 host Dr. Mark Sublette

Jeff Aeling Landscape Painter interview Epi 28 host Dr. Mark Sublette

Kansas Art Institute graduate Jeff Aeling shares his circuitous road from musician to a theatrical stage production to finding his love of painting and the effect Robert Kennedy and the Cuban Missile crisis affected his early childhood and his love of surfing. Jeff discusses what skills are required to become an artist and the three types of landscape paintings.