Coleman, John

John Coleman’s bronze sculpture is renowned for its ability to convey history and tell a story. “I believe art is about putting a physical face on a spiritual idea,” he says. My love for American mythology and Native traditions give me a strong sense of kinship to others who, like me, are dedicated to preserving history." Coleman has studied at the Art Center for Design in Los Angeles and one-on-one with many of America’s top sculptors. In addition to creating his acclaimed bronzes, he also teaches at the Loveland Academy and the Scottsdale Artists’ School. Coleman has been a member of the National Sculpture Society since 1999 and the Cowboy Artists of America since 2001. He lives with his wife, Sue, in Prescott, Arizona. If you have a John Coleman bronze that you would like to sell, please contact us.
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John Coleman CAA Western Sculptor and Painter - Epi. 127 Host Dr. Mark Sublette

John Coleman CAA Western Sculptor and Painter - Epi. 127 Host Dr. Mark Sublette

This podcast was an enlightening roadmap of perseverance. If you're an artist who says to themselves: "I don't know... I want to be an artist, but... do I have what it takes?" Quite frankly, it takes a lot of effort, but more than effort, it requires the emotional investment to transform into that particular version of yourself. John Coleman put it all together, and I'm glad he joined us to tell his story.