Cook, James

The landscape paintings of James Cook are in the tradition of American landscape painting going back to the earliest painters of our country. But Cook’s paintings are not repetitions of those earlier works; they are uniquely his own and are part of the world today, stated and presented in the artist’s own dramatic and deeply felt terms. The paintings are also a consummate demonstration of years of hard work, of looking at and, literally, inhaling the landscape and rendering it in a sure and dramatic way. These are the paintings of an artist totally in control of his medium and totally sure of what he does. In them he achieves that elusive goal for which all artists strive: he realizes his personal artistic vision in dramatic and uncompromising terms when he presents that vision to us and we comprehend its meaning and intent.
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James Cook: Expressionist Landscape Painter - Epi. 89, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

James Cook: Expressionist Landscape Painter - Epi. 89, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

James dives into the interview discussing his early years in a talented household and how they shaped his approach to art. We hear about the business that happens beyond the canvas and the stress an inexperienced gallerist can put on an artist.