Danielle, Lisa

"When you think about our lives, most of the things we experience are in some way tied to the past, and I want my art to make that connection. I guess that is why I love representational art as opposed to abstract. For me, it’s rather like comparing non-fiction to fiction writing. There are so many incredible true stories out there that I prefer to paint them rather than create a make-believe world. Once fiction is over, it’s gone, but the real stories endure the test of time, and we refer back to them again and again." - Lisa Danielle
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Lisa Danielle: Western Still Life Artist (Part 1) - Epi. 221, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Lisa Danielle: Western Still Life Artist (Part 1) - Epi. 221, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

I've represented Lisa for almost 20 years or maybe even a little bit longer... but we've never had an in-depth conversation about her backstory. You see, that's one of the beautiful things about this podcast, is that through interviewing these individuals, I get a deeper sense of who the person is and why they do what they do. (Part 1)

Lisa Danielle: Western Still Life Artist (Part 2) - Epi. 222, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

ALisa Danielle: Western Still Life Artist (Part 2) - Epi. 222, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Lisa even speaks about times where she couldn't get things sold and she's having to work at a nursing home. At the end of the day that's what you do if you really want to be an artist. You absolutely must be willing to put yourself in those positions to allow you to continue to create art. Lisa Danielle is one of those people that did it.(Part 2)