Gardner, Whitney

Whitney Gardner is an oil painter born and based in Southern California. With a focus in painting landscapes about the Southwest, she seeks to expand the barriers of western art to the deserts of the far west in which she calls home. Residing in the Mojave desert for over a decade, a fascination with the rugged scenery has led her into an artful study of this region. From plein air to studio-rendered compositions, her paintings are an ode to the remarkable facets of the desert.
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Whitney Gardner ‘Sonoran Glory’

Whitney Gardner ‘Sonoran Glory'

Whitney Gardner ‘Wonder Valley Homestead’

Whitney Gardner ‘Wonder Valley Homestead’

Whitney Gardner: Western Oil Painter - Epi. 220, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Whitney Gardner: Western Oil Painter - Epi. 220, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Whitney's been living in and painting the Mojave Desert for 12 years. That's a hard subject to try and tackle and she's done a beautiful job. So then I said, "Let's go record a podcast if you want to?" And she said, "Yeah, let's do it." So it was very fun, and spontaneous, and I'm just thrilled to have her on board at the gallery.