Geoffrion, Moira Marti

Moira Marti Geoffrion was born in Olney, MD, but soon after moved to South Eastern Ohio. Working in an interdisciplinary spectrum of the art making process, she has been able to incorporate elements of sculpture, painting, fibers, and performance into her pieces. All of her artworks, whether they are sculptural or 2-dimensional, are deeply conscious of the natural environment and incorporate the artist’s own personal insights relating to the correlation between human physicality and the environment surrounding them. Geoffrion interweaves ideas relating to her own family history into her work, but always leaves the subject matter of the pieces open enough to allow for a myriad of interpretations.
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Artist Moira Geoffrion Epi. 6, host Dr. Mark Sublette

Artist Moira Geoffrion Epi. 6, host Dr. Mark Sublette

Moira Marti Geoffrion, has exhibited in more than 200 museums and galleries in the United States, European countries, Australia, and Russia. Moria received her BFA from Boston University School of Fine Arts and served in the Peace Corps Corps in Sierra Leone. Learn the struggles of being a woman heading two major art departments and the struggles of women in art during the 1960-80 period.