Gibson, Josh

Josh Gibson graduated with distinction from California College of the Arts in the illustration program and has delved into many other creative worlds including fine art, graphic novels, and animation. His work is stationed in the past and the future at once, utilizing both traditional and technological methods.
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Josh Gibson: New Works | Medicine Man Gallery

Josh Gibson: New Works | Medicine Man Gallery

Josh Gibson: Contemporary Western Artist - Epi. 175, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Josh Gibson: Contemporary Western Artist - Epi. 175, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

I've known Josh since he was five years old and he's the youngest artist I represent at my gallery. Ultimately, Josh is an Arizonian that understands the desert more than most. Throughout his relatively young painting career, he's already transitioned from a traditional Western realism into modern Western sensibility and it's really taken off. His work is unique and has a unique voice. To see where he's come from and where he is now and where he will end up... It's just incredible.