Pima Baskets

The Pima Indians, Akimel O’odham, are known for their fine Indian baskets. Pima Indian basket materials are Devils Claw, willow and Bear grass. The symbol of the Salt River Pima Indian is the Man in the Maze. The legend depicts the experiences which occur during the journey through the maze of life. At the center of the maze are ones dreams and goals and when one reaches the center they are met by the Sun God who passes them on to the next world. Other Pima Native American Indian Basket forms include trays, and Ollas with both animal and human figures.
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Tips on how to Identify Pima Baskets

Tips on how to Identify Pima Baskets

Ethnographic Wear on a 130-Year-Old Pima Basket

Ethnographic Wear on a 130-Year-Old Pima Basket

Identifying Pima Baskets from Apache Baskets

Identifying Pima Baskets from Apache Baskets