Smith, Matt

Most of the time, Matt Smith can be found painting en plein air from southern Arizona to the Canadian Rockies.  He also paints the California coast to the mountains of Colorado. "I appreciate traditional landscape painting and I am inspired by the pristine landscapes of the American West. I enjoy working in areas where one can travel for miles without seeing the influence of man. When I paint, I feel I’ve hit the mark when I’ve captured a balance between mood, look and feel. You know you’ve succeeded when viewers sense the desert heat or the chill of a mountain snowfall." 
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Matt Smith: New Works

Matt Smith: New Works

Matt Smith: Western Landscape Artist & Plein Air Painter - Epi. 124, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Matt Smith: Western Landscape Artist & Plein Air Painter - Epi. 124, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

I had landscape painter Matt Smith on the podcast today. He's such a good plein air artist and I was a fan and collector long before I ever representing him in my gallery. It took me 20 years before I was lucky enough to get Matt Smith to show in my gallery and it's fun to hear the story of how he got to be one of the best western painters in the country. Matt discusses the difficulties to succeed as a professional artist and what is required if you want to try to create for a living, especially as a plein air painter.