Native American and non-Native Silversmiths by First Name (A-Z)
- A. Henry
- Aaron Anderson
- Aaron Toadlena
- Adeline Bowannie
- Agnes Platero
- Al Somers
- Alan Penketewa
- Albert Jake
- Albert Long
- Albert McCabe
- Albert Nells
- Albert and Dolly Banteah
- Albert and Jacqueline Cleveland
- Albert H. Cleveland
- Albert J. Platero
- Alberto Contreras
- Alde Qumyintewa
- Alex Becenti
- Alex Beeshligaii
- Alex Sanchez
- Alfred Joe
- Alice Benally
- Alice Platero
- Alice Quam
- Alice Leekya Homer
- Allen Kee
- Allen Pooyouma
- Allison Lee
- Alonzo Hustito
- Alonzo Mariano
- Alvin Monte
- Alvin Thompson
- Alvin Vandever
- Alvin Yellowhorse
- Alvin and Rose Boy
- Ambrose Lincoln
- Amelia Joe Chandler
- Amy Gasper
- Amy Quandelacy
- Andrea (Shirley) Lonjose
- Andrew Alvarez
- Andrew Dewa
- Andrew Laahte
- Andy and Roberta Abeita
- Andy Cadman
- Andy Marion
- Andy Lee Kirk
- Angelen Laahty
- Angelita Cheama
- Ann Curley
- Anna Begay
- Annie Cowboy
- Annie Hoskie
- Annie Quam Gasper
- Anthony Aguilar, Sr.
- Anthony Lovato
- Anthony Skeets
- Anthony Sanchez
- Antonio Yazzie
- Arnold Blackgoat
- Art Acoya
- Arthur J. Williams
- Artie Yellowhorse
- Augustine and Rosalie Pinto
- Ava Marie Coriz
- Awa Tsireh
- Beauford Dawahoya
- Ben Begaye
- Ben Dubois
- Ben Nighthorse
- Ben Piaso
- Ben Yazzie
- Benjamin Becenti
- Bennard Dallasvuyaoma
- Bennard and Frances Dallasvuyaoma
- Benny Benally
- Benny Pinto
- Benson Boyd
- Bernadette Eustace
- Bernall Natewa
- Bernard Dawahoya
- Bernice Bonney
- Bernice Natachu
- Betty Yellowhorse
- Billie Wydell
- Billy Slim
- Bobby Lujan
- Bobby Sekakuku
- Bobby Tewa
- Bobby Tsosie
- Bonnie Quam
- Bradley Gashwazra
- Bryant Waatsa Jr.
- Burdain Soseeah
- Calvin Begay
- Calvin Peterson
- Carlos Diaz
- Carmelita Simplicio
- Carmelo Patania
- Carolyn Pollack
- Carolyn Sandoval
- Carson Blackgoat
- Cecelia Iule
- Cecil Ashley
- Charles Ortiz
- Charles Johnson
- Charlie Mike Yazzie
- Charlotte Bradford
- Charlotte Dishta
- Chas Ray
- Chester Benally
- Chester Ortiz
- Cheston Dalangyawma
- Chris Billie
- Christin Wolf
- Clarence Chama
- Clarissa and Vernon Hale
- Cleve Honyaktewa
- Clyde Davis
- Clyde Woody
- Colin A. Coonsis
- Collection Miramontes
- Coolidge Nez
- Cordelia Casuse
- Cordell Pajarito
- Craig Agoodie
- Curtis Pete
- D Ashley
- D. Jansen
- Dan Dodson
- Dan Jackson
- Dan Simplicio
- Daniel Benally
- Darlene and Dickie Charlie
- Darren Seweyestewa
- Darryl Edwards
- Dave Skeets
- David Dear
- David Freeland
- David Reeves
- David Taliman
- David Tsikewa
- Dean Sandoval Jr.
- Deborah Silversmith
- Dee Brown
- Del Fred Masawytewa
- Delbert Chatter
- Delbert Gordon
- Delbert Vandever
- Dene Tsosie Bini
- Dennis Edaakie
- Dennis Kalisteo
- Dennis Ramone
- Dennis Howard
- Dennis and Nancy Edaakie
- Diaz Santoyo
- Dickie Quandelacy
- Domingo Atencio
- Don Johnson
- Don Platero
- Don and Velma Dewa
- Don and Viola Eriacho
- Douglas Etsitty
- Douglas Holmes
- Douglas Nava
- Duane Maktima
- Eddy Beyuka
- Edison Cummings
- Edison Sandy Smith
- Edward Aguilar
- Edward and Pablita Quam
- Effie Calavaza
- Effie Tawahongya
- Elizabeth Anderson
- Elizabeth Whitman
- Elkus Gasper
- Ella Gia
- Ella Peter
- Ellen Quandelacy
- Ellie Yazzie
- Elliot Qualo
- Elliott Chavez
- Elmer Setalla Jr.
- Elsie Yoyokie
- Elsie Gashwazra
- Emerson Bill
- Emma Bighand
- Emma Bonney
- Emma Carviso
- Ernest Bilagody
- Ernest Rangel
- Ernest Honyaktewa
- Ernie Lister
- Ernie Northrup
- Ervin Hoskie
- Ervin Tsosie
- Ervin Hoskie Chee
- Etta Endito
- Eugene Becenti
- Eugene Belone
- Eugene Hale
- Evangeline Etsate
- Evelyn Acque
- Evelyn Spencer
- Evelyn Yazzie
- F. L. Begay
- Family Quam
- Family Waatsa
- Fannie Ondelacy
- Fermin Hawee
- Fernando Benally
- Fernando Puhuhefvaya
- Fidel Bahe
- Florentine Panteah
- Foster Yazzie
- Frances Begay
- Frances Dallasvuyaoma
- Frances Jones
- Francis M. Begay
- Frank Chee
- Frank Patania Jr.
- Frank Peshlakai
- Frank Ramone
- Frank Vacit
- Franklin and Verna Tahe
- Fred Guerro
- Fred Peshlakai
- Fred Thompson
- Fred and Lolita Natachu
- Fred M. Apache
- Fred T. Platero
- Fritz Casuse
- G. Howe
- Garrett and Serena Banteah
- Gary Arviso
- Gary Reeves
- Gary Yoyokie
- Gene Jackson
- Gene Pooyouma
- Gene Gibson
- Geneva Apachito
- George and Nusie Henry
- Gibson Nez
- Gilbert Brown
- Gilbert Calavaza
- Gilbert Damon
- Gilbert Nelson
- Gilbert Tom
- Gillerimo Natachu
- Glen Adakai
- Glenda Eriacho
- Gomeo Bobelu
- Grace and Gilo Nakai
- H. Bahe
- H. Cortez
- H. J. Gray
- Harlan and Monica Coonsis
- Harlan and Rolanda Coonsis
- Harrington Poleviyuma
- Harrison Bitsui
- Harrison Blackgoat
- Harrison Yazzie
- Harry Morgan
- Harry Sakyesva
- Harry Chavarria
- Helen Slim
- Helen and Lincoln Zunie
- Henry Bace
- Henry Cecil
- Henry Rosetta
- Herbert Begay
- Herbert Tsosie
- Herbert and Esther Cellicion
- Herbert and Veronica Thompson
- Herman Hoskie
- Herman Smith
- Horace Iule
- Howard Sice
- Howard S. Begay
- Hubert Yowytewa
- Ike Wilson
- Irene Chiquito
- Irene Tsosie
- J. Chester
- J. Claw
- J. Shirley Bellson
- Jack Adakai
- Jack Tom
- Jack Weekoty
- Jackie Singer
- Jacob Troncosa
- Jake Verde
- James Honyaktewa
- James Selina
- James Shay
- James Eldon
- James W. Toadlena
- Jane Paselente
- Jane Yikaazba Popvitch
- Jared Chavez
- Jason Takala
- Jay Boyd
- Jay Humeyestewa
- Jeff Jackson
- Jeff James Jr.
- Jeffrey Castillo
- Jennie Blackgoat
- Jerry Quintana
- Jerry Sluein
- Jesse Josytewa
- Jim Harrison
- Jim Yazz
- Jimenez Frederico
- Jimmie Nezzie
- Jimmy Poyer
- Joe Chee
- Joe Corbet
- Joe Eby
- Joe Josytewa
- Joe Coochyumptewa
- Joe D. Yazzie
- Joe H. Quintana
- Joel Pajarito
- John Nelson
- John White
- John Honie
- John Hornbeck
- Johnnie Frank
- Johnny Pablo
- Johnny Rosetta
- Johnny Mike Begay
- Johnson Todacheeny
- Johnson Yazzie
- Jolene Eustace
- Jonah Hill
- Jonathan Beyuka
- Juan De Dios,
- Juan Singer
- Julian Arviso
- Julius Ahasteen
- Julius Keyonnie
- Julius Yazzie
- Kay Yazzie
- Kee Nataani
- Kee Yazzie
- Kee Joe Benally
- Keith Johnson
- Kenneth Begay
- Kenneth Jones
- Kerah Tsosie
- Kevin Takala
- Kirk Melanie
- Kirk Smith
- Knifewing Segura
- Kris Singer
- L. Benally
- L. Burnside
- L. Etsitty
- L. Henderson
- Larry Castillo
- Larry Tsinnie
- Lawrence Archuleta
- Lawrence Dodge
- Lawrence Saufkie
- Lee Bennett
- Lee Chee
- Lee Nieto
- Lee Weebothee
- Lee Yazzie
- Lee and Mary Weebothee
- Lena Mae Smiley
- Leo Coriz
- Leonard Jim
- Leonard T. Chee
- Les Holden
- Leslie Yazzie
- Lester Jackson
- Lester Ortiz
- Lewis Lomay
- Lila Yawakia
- Lilly Tom
- Linda Eustace
- Linda Peshlakai
- Lloyd Becenti
- Lloyd Oliver
- Lola Hechilay
- Lolita Platero
- Lonn Parker
- Lonnie Pentewa
- Loren Phillips
- Loren Sakeva
- Loren Thomas Begay
- Lorenzo Tortalita
- Lorraine Waatsa
- Lucion Koinva
- Lucy Gchachu
- Luke Billy Yazzie
- Lynn Edsitty
- Lynol Yellowhorse
- M. Haley
- M. Johnson
- Mabel Tsosie
- Madeline Beyuka
- Manuel Hoyungwa
- Manuel and Karen Hoyungwa
- Marc Antia
- Marc Contreras
- Marcella James
- Marcus Coochwikvia
- Marian Nez
- Mark Chee
- Mark Yazzie
- Martha and Gene Jackson
- Martin Panteah
- Mary Cayatineto
- Mary Chavez
- Mary Dayee
- Mary Eriacho
- Mary Lovato
- Mary and Richard T. Thomas
- Mary Jane Comer
- Mary Lou Tom
- Mary Marie Yazzie
- Maryann and Felix Chavez
- Mel Benally
- Melissa Yazzie
- Melvin Chee
- MG Peina
- Michael Kabotie
- Michael Sockyma
- Mike Chee
- Mike Platero
- Mike Thomas
- Milburn Dishta
- Milson Taylor
- Milton Lasiloo
- Milton Tsosie
- Mitchell Sockyma
- Monroe Ashley
- Morgan Apache
- Morris Robinson
- Murray Jackson
- Nancy Custer
- Nancy Haloo
- Natasha Peshlakai
- Ned Nez
- Nellie Bain
- Nelson Burbank
- Nelson and Charlotte Eustace
- Norbert Johnson
- Norbert Peshlakai
- Norbert Peshlakai
- Norman Woody
- Norman Honie Jr.
- Norman and Virginia Hooee
- O.C. Coriz
- Ophie B. Joe
- Orlinda Natewa
- Orville Tsinnie
- Orville Wright
- Oscar Alexius
- Oscar Betz
- P. Attakai
- Pat Bedoni
- Patrick Smith
- Patrick Taylor
- Patrick Yellowhorse
- Patrick Tewawina
- Pauline Benally
- Pearlene Spencer
- Percy J. Tsadiasi
- Perry Shorty
- Pete Sierra
- Peter Nelson
- Peter and Pansy Natachu
- Peterson Johnson
- Phil Navasie
- Phil Poseyesva
- Phil White
- Philbert Dennis
- Phillip Byjoe
- Phillip Sekaquaptewa
- Porfilio Sheyka
- Quinton Quam Sr.
- R. Bahe
- Ralph Tawangyaouma
- Ramon Dalangyawma
- Ramon Platero
- Randall Tom
- Randy Boyd
- Randy Hoskie
- Ray Garcia
- Ray Lovato
- Ray Tracey
- Raylan and Pattie Edaakie
- Raymond Yazzie
- Raymond Sequaptewa
- Redwater
- Richard Begay
- Richard Tsosie
- Richard "Little" Yellowhorse
- Rick Tolino
- Ricky Coochwytewa
- Riley Polyquaptewa
- Rita and Mike Begay
- Robert Becenti Jr.
- Robert Haozous
- Robert Johnson
- Robert Shakey
- Robert Sorrell
- Robert Gene
- Roderick and Marilyn Tenorio
- Rodney Del Guerro
- Roger Cellicion
- Roger Skeet
- Roger Skeet Jr.
- Roger Tsabetsaye
- Roland Begay
- Roland Eustace
- Roland Long Ben Peter
- Rolanda Haloo
- Ron Bedonie
- Ron and Petra Chavez
- Ronald Wadsworth
- Ronnie Hurley
- Ronnie Willie
- Ronnie Joe Henry
- Roosevelt and Bernice Tekala
- Rosco Scott
- Roy Vandever
- Roy Talahaftewa
- Russ Rockbridge
- Ruth Ann Begay
- Sally Yazzie
- Sam Lovato
- Sam Pablo
- Sam Patania
- Sam Piaso
- Sam Pablano
- Sammy and Esther Guardian
- Sampson Werito
- Sampson Gray
- Sandra Quandelacy
- Sanford Edaakie
- Sara Edaakie
- Scott Skeets
- Selina Warner
- Sensa Eustace
- Sharold Nutumya
- Sharon Sandoval
- Sheldon Wastika
- Sheldon and Nancy Westika
- Sherman and Isabelle Paquin
- Sherry Sandoval
- Shonna Yazzie
- Sidney Sekakuku
- Stan Singer
- Stanley Bain
- Stanley Carroll
- Steve Yellowhorse
- Steve Wall
- Steven Sockyma
- Stewart and Mary Tucson
- Sunshine Reeves
- Suzie James
- Sybil Cachini
- T.K. Emerson
- Tahe
- Ted Etsitty
- Ted Wadsworth
- Teddy Goodluck Jr.
- Terrance Lomayestewa
- Terry Wadsworth
- Thomas Byrd
- Thomas Curtis
- Thomas Jim
- Thomas Richard
- Thomas Singer
- Thomas and Alice Hannaweeke
- Thomas and Rosita Singer
- Tigua
- Tim Bedah
- Tim Guerro
- Tim Kee Whitman
- Timmy Yazzie
- Tom Bahe
- Tom Billy
- Tom Cowboy
- Tom Willeto
- Tom Dewitt
- Tom Weahkee
- Tom H. Begay
- Tom Sue Kee
- Tommy Charlie
- Tommy Jackson
- Toni Curtis
- Tony Abeyta
- Tony Guerro
- Tony Romancito
- Valentino and Matilda Banteah
- Valjean Joshevema
- Verma "Sonwai" Nequatewa
- Verna Blackgoat
- Vernon Begay
- Vernon Haskie
- Veronica Benally
- Victor Hicks
- Victor Coochwytewa
- Victor Moses Begay
- Victoria Adams
- Vidal Aragon
- Violet and Jeffrey Begay
- Virgil Reeder
- Virgil Thomas
- Virgil and Lena Dishta
- Vivian Barbone
- Wallace Yazzie Jr.
- Wallie Sekayumptewa
- Walter Polelonema
- Watson Honanie
- Watson Honanie
- Wayne "Wolf Robe" Henry
- Wayne and Jocelyn Haloo
- Wayne and Josie Panteah
- Wayne and Virgina Quam
- Weaver Selina
- Wes Willie
- Wesley Craig
- Wilford Begay
- WIlford Nez
- Wilfred B. Henry
- Willard and Vela Sanchez
- William Vandever
- William Philip Spratling
- William T. Johnson
- Willie Haley
- Willie A. Yazzie Sr.
- Willie Archie Talaheftewa
- Willis Humeyestewa
- Willy Singer
- Wilson Begay
- Wilson Jim
- Woody Crumbo
- Wylie White Cloud
Native American and non-Native Silversmiths by Last Name (A-Z)
- Abeita, Andy and Roberta
- Abeyta, Tony
- Acoya, Art
- Acque, Evelyn
- Adakai, Glen
- Adakai, Jack
- Adams, Victoria
- Agoodie, Craig
- Aguilar, Edward
- Aguilar, Sr., Anthony
- Ahasteen, Julius
- Ahasteen, Tom
- Alexius, Oscar
- Alvarez, Andrew
- Anderson, Aaron
- Anderson, Elizabeth
- Antia, Marc
- Apache, Fred M.
- Apache, Morgan
- Apachito, Geneva
- Aragon, Vidal
- Archuleta, Lawrence
- Arviso, Gary
- Arviso, Julian
- Ashley, Cecil
- Ashley, D
- Ashley, Monroe
- Atencio, Domingo
- Attakai, P.
- Bace, Henry
- Bahe, Fidel
- Bahe, H.
- Bahe, R.
- Bahe, Tom
- Bain, Nellie
- Bain, Stanley
- Banteah, Albert and Dolly
- Banteah, Garrett and Serena
- Banteah, Valentino and Matilda
- Barbone, Vivian
- Becenti, Alex
- Becenti, Benjamin
- Becenti, Eugene
- Becenti, Lloyd
- Bedah, Tim
- Bedoni, Pat
- Bedonie, Ron
- Beeshligaii, Alex
- Begay, Anna
- Begay, Calvin
- Begay, F. L.
- Begay, Frances
- Begay, Francis M.
- Begay, Herbert
- Begay, Howard S.
- Begay, Johnny Mike
- Begay, Kenneth
- Begay, Loren Thomas
- Begay, Richard
- Begay, Rita and Mike
- Begay, Roland
- Begay, Ruth Ann
- Begay, Tom H.
- Begay, Vernon
- Begay, Victor Moses
- Begay, Violet and Jeffrey
- Begay, Wilford
- Begay, Wilson
- Begaye, Ben
- Bellson, J. Shirley
- Belone, Eugene
- Ben Peter, Roland Long
- Benally, Alice
- Benally, Benny
- Benally, Chester
- Benally, Daniel
- Benally, Fernando
- Benally, Kee Joe
- Benally, L.
- Benally, Mel
- Benally, Pauline
- Benally, Veronica
- Bennett, Lee
- Betz, Oscar
- Beyuka, Eddy
- Beyuka, Jonathan
- Beyuka, Madeline
- Bighand, Emma
- Bilagody, Ernest
- Bill, Emerson
- Billie, Chris
- Billy, Tom
- Bini, Dene Tsosie
- Bitsui, Harrison
- Blackgoat, Arnold
- Blackgoat, Carson
- Blackgoat, Harrison
- Blackgoat, Jennie
- Blackgoat, Verna
- Bobelu, Gomeo
- Bonney, Bernice
- Bonney, Emma
- Bowannie, Adeline
- Boy, Alvin and Rose
- Boyd, Benson
- Boyd, Jay
- Boyd, Randy
- Bradford, Charlotte
- Brown, Dee
- Brown, Gilbert
- Burbank, Nelson
- Burnside, L.
- Byjoe, Phillip
- Byrd, Thomas
- Cachini, Sybil
- Cadman, Andy
- Calavaza, Effie
- Calavaza, Gilbert
- Carroll, Stanley
- Carviso, Emma
- Castillo, Jeffrey
- Castillo, Larry
- Casuse, Cordelia
- Casuse, Fritz
- Cayatineto, Mary
- Cecil, Henry
- Cellicion, Herbert and Esther
- Cellicion, Roger
- Chama, Clarence
- Chandler, Amelia Joe
- Charlie, Darlene and Dickie
- Charlie, Tommy
- Chatter, Delbert
- Chavarria, Harry
- Chavez, Elliott
- Chavez, Jared
- Chavez, Mary
- Chavez, Maryann and Felix
- Chavez, Ron and Petra
- Cheama, Angelita
- Chee, Ervin Hoskie
- Chee, Frank
- Chee, Joe
- Chee, Lee
- Chee, Leonard T.
- Chee, Mark
- Chee, Melvin
- Chee, Mike
- Chester, J.
- Chiquito, Irene
- Claw, J.
- Cleveland, Albert and Jacqueline
- Cleveland, Albert H.
- Comer, Mary Jane
- Contreras, Alberto
- Contreras, Marc
- Coochwikvia, Marcus
- Coochwytewa, Ricky
- Coochwytewa, Victor
- Coochyumptewa, Joe
- Coonsis, Colin A.
- Coonsis, Harlan and Monica
- Coonsis, Harlan and Rolanda
- Corbet, Joe
- Coriz, Ava Marie
- Coriz, Leo
- Coriz, O.C.
- Cortez, H.
- Cowboy, Annie
- Cowboy, Tom
- Craig, Wesley
- Crumbo, Woody
- Cummings, Edison
- Curley, Ann
- Curtis, Thomas
- Curtis, Toni
- Custer, Nancy
- Dalangyawma, Cheston
- Dalangyawma, Ramon
- Dallasvuyaoma, Bennard
- Dallasvuyaoma, Bennard and Frances
- Dallasvuyaoma, Frances
- Damon, Gilbert
- Davis, Clyde
- Dawahoya, Beauford
- Dawahoya, Bernard
- Dayee, Mary
- De Dios,, Juan
- Dear, David
- Del Guerro, Rodney
- Dennis, Philbert
- Dewa, Andrew
- Dewa, Don and Velma
- Dewitt, Tom
- Diaz, Carlos
- Dishta, Charlotte
- Dishta, Milburn
- Dishta, Virgil and Lena
- Dodge, Lawrence
- Dodson, Dan
- Dubois, Ben
- Eby, Joe
- Edaakie, Dennis
- Edaakie, Dennis and Nancy
- Edaakie, Raylan and Pattie
- Edaakie, Sanford
- Edaakie, Sara
- Edsitty, Lynn
- Edwards, Darryl
- Eldon, James
- Emerson, T.K.
- Endito, Etta
- Eriacho, Don and Viola
- Eriacho, Glenda
- Eriacho, Mary
- Etsate, Evangeline
- Etsitty, Douglas
- Etsitty, L.
- Etsitty, Ted
- Eustace, Bernadette
- Eustace, Jolene
- Eustace, Linda
- Eustace, Nelson and Charlotte
- Eustace, Roland
- Eustace, Sensa
- Frank, Johnnie
- Frederico, Jimenez
- Freeland, David
- Garcia, Ray
- Gashwazra, Bradley
- Gashwazra, Elsie
- Gasper, Amy
- Gasper, Annie Quam
- Gasper, Elkus
- Gchachu, Lucy
- Gene, Robert
- Gia, Ella
- Gibson, Gene
- Goodluck Jr., Teddy
- Gordon, Delbert
- Gray, H. J.
- Gray, Sampson
- Guardian, Sammy and Esther
- Guerro, Fred
- Guerro, Tim
- Guerro, Tony
- Hale, Clarissa and Vernon
- Hale, Eugene
- Haley, M.
- Haley, Willie
- Haloo, Nancy
- Haloo, Rolanda
- Haloo, Wayne and Jocelyn
- Hannaweeke, Thomas and Alice
- Haozous, Robert
- Harrison, Jim
- Haskie, Vernon
- Hawee, Fermin
- Hechilay, Lola
- Henderson, L.
- Henry, A.
- Henry, George and Nusie
- Henry, Ronnie Joe
- Henry, Wayne "Wolf Robe"
- Henry, Wilfred B.
- Hicks, Victor
- Hill, Jonah
- Holden, Les
- Holmes, Douglas
- Homer, Alice Leekya
- Honanie, Watson
- Honanie, Watson
- Honie, John
- Honie Jr., Norman
- Honyaktewa, Cleve
- Honyaktewa, Ernest
- Honyaktewa, James
- Honyestewa, Gordon
- Hooee, Norman and Virginia
- Hornbeck, John
- Hoskie, Annie
- Hoskie, Ervin
- Hoskie, Herman
- Hoskie, Randy
- Howard, Dennis
- Howe, G.
- Hoyungwa, Manuel
- Hoyungwa, Manuel and Karen
- Humeyestewa, Jay
- Humeyestewa, Willis
- Hurley, Ronnie
- Hustito, Alonzo
- Iule, Cecelia
- Iule, Horace
- Jackson, Dan
- Jackson, Jeff
- Jackson, Lester
- Jackson, Martha and Gene
- Jackson, Murray
- Jackson, Tommy
- Jake, Albert
- James, Marcella
- James, Suzie
- James Jr., Jeff
- Jansen, D.
- Jim, Leonard
- Jim, Thomas
- Jim, Wilson
- Joe, Alfred
- Joe, Ophie B.
- Johnson, Charles
- Johnson, Don
- Johnson, Keith
- Johnson, M.
- Johnson, Norbert
- Johnson, Peterson
- Johnson, Robert
- Johnson, William T.
- Jones, Frances
- Jones, Kenneth
- Joshevema, Valjean
- Josytewa, Jesse
- Josytewa, Joe
- Kabotie, Michael
- Kalisteo, Dennis
- Kee, Allen
- Kee, Tom Sue
- Keyonnie, Julius
- Kirk, Andy Lee
- Koinva, Lucion
- Laahte, Andrew
- Laahty, Angelen
- Lasiloo, Milton
- Lee, Allison
- Lincoln, Ambrose
- Lister, Ernie
- Lomay, Lewis
- Lomayestewa, Terrance
- Long, Albert
- Lovato, Anthony
- Lovato, Mary
- Lovato, Ray
- Lovato, Sam
- Lujan, Bobby
- Maktima, Duane
- Mariano, Alonzo
- Marion, Andy
- Masawytewa, Del Fred
- McCabe, Albert
- Melanie, Kirk
- Miramontes, Collection
- Monte, Alvin
- Morgan, Harry
- Nakai, Grace and Gilo
- Nataani, Kee
- Natachu, Bernice
- Natachu, Fred and Lolita
- Natachu, Gillerimo
- Natachu, Peter and Pansy
- Natewa, Bernall
- Natewa, Orlinda
- Nava, Douglas
- Nells, Albert
- Nelson, Gilbert
- Nelson, John
- Nelson, Peter
- Nequatewa, Verma "Sonwai"
- Nez, Coolidge
- Nez, Gibson
- Nez, Marian
- Nez, Ned
- Nez, WIlford
- Nezzie, Jimmie
- Nieto, Lee
- Nighthorse, Ben
- Northrup, Ernie
- Nutumya, Sharold
- Oliver, Lloyd
- Ondelacy, Fannie
- Ortiz, Charles
- Ortiz, Lester
- Pablano, Sam
- Pablo, Johnny
- Pablo, Sam
- Pajarito, Cordell
- Pajarito, Joel
- Panteah, Florentine
- Panteah, Martin
- Panteah, Wayne and Josie
- Paquin, Sherman and Isabelle
- Parker, Lonn
- Paselente, Jane
- Patania, Carmelo
- Patania, Sam
- Patania Jr., Frank
- Peina, MG
- Penketewa, Alan
- Pentewa, Lonnie
- Peshlakai, Frank
- Peshlakai, Fred
- Peshlakai, Linda
- Peshlakai, Norbert
- Pete, Curtis
- Peter, Ella
- Peterson, Calvin
- Phillips, Loren
- Piaso, Ben
- Piaso, Sam
- Pinto, Augustine and Rosalie
- Pinto, Benny
- Platero, Agnes
- Platero, Albert J.
- Platero, Alice
- Platero, Don
- Platero, Fred T.
- Platero, Lolita
- Platero, Mike
- Platero, Ramon
- Polelonema, Walter
- Poleviyuma, Harrington
- Pollack, Carolyn
- Polyquaptewa, Riley
- Pooyouma, Allen
- Pooyouma, Gene
- Popvitch, Jane Yikaazba
- Poseyesva, Phil
- Poyer, Jimmy
- Puhuhefvaya, Fernando
- Qualo, Elliot
- Quam, Alice
- Quam, Bonnie
- Quam, Edward and Pablita
- Quam, Family
- Quam, Wayne and Virgina
- Quam Sr., Quinton
- Quandelacy, Amy
- Quandelacy, Dickie
- Quandelacy, Ellen
- Quandelacy, Sandra
- Quintana, Jerry
- Quintana, Joe H.
- Qumyintewa, Alde
- Ramone, Dennis
- Ramone, Frank
- Rangel, Ernest
- Ray, Chas
- Redwater
- Reeder, Virgil
- Reeves, David
- Reeves, Gary
- Reeves, Sunshine
- Richard, Thomas
- Robinson, Morris
- Rockbridge, Russ
- Romancito, Tony
- Rosetta, Henry
- Rosetta, Johnny
- Sakeva, Loren
- Sakyesva, Harry
- Sanchez, Alex
- Sanchez, Anthony
- Sanchez, Willard and Vela
- Sandoval, Carolyn
- Sandoval, Sharon
- Sandoval, Sherry
- Sandoval Jr., Dean
- Santoyo, Diaz
- Saufkie, Lawrence
- Scott, Rosco
- Segura, Knifewing
- Sekakuku, Bobby
- Sekakuku, Sidney
- Sekaquaptewa, Phillip
- Sekayumptewa, Wallie
- Selina, James
- Selina, Weaver
- Sequaptewa, Raymond
- Setalla Jr., Elmer
- Seweyestewa, Darren
- Shakey, Robert
- Shay, James
- Sheyka, Porfilio
- Shorty, Perry
- Sice, Howard
- Sierra, Pete
- Silversmith, Deborah
- Simplicio, Carmelita
- Simplicio, Dan
- Singer, Jackie
- Singer, Juan
- Singer, Kris
- Singer, Stan
- Singer, Thomas
- Singer, Thomas and Rosita
- Singer, Willy
- Skeet Jr., Roger
- Skeets, Anthony
- Skeets, Dave
- Skeets, Scott
- Slim, Billy
- Slim, Helen
- Sluein, Jerry
- Smiley, Lena Mae
- Smith, Edison Sandy
- Smith, Herman
- Smith, Kirk
- Smith, Patrick
- Sockyma, Michael
- Sockyma, Mitchell
- Sockyma, Steven
- Somers, Al
- Sorrell, Robert
- Soseeah, Burdain
- Spencer, Evelyn
- Spencer, Pearlene
- Spratling, William Philip
- Tahe
- Tahe, Franklin and Verna
- Takala, Jason
- Takala, Kevin
- Talahaftewa, Roy
- Talaheftewa, Willie Archie
- Taliman, David
- Tawahongya, Effie
- Tawangyaouma, Ralph
- Taylor, Milson
- Taylor, Patrick
- Tekala, Roosevelt and Bernice
- Tenorio, Roderick and Marilyn
- Tewa, Bobby
- Tewawina, Patrick
- Thomas, Mary and Richard T.
- Thomas, Mike
- Thomas, Virgil
- Thompson, Alvin
- Thompson, Fred
- Thompson, Herbert and Veronica
- Tigua
- Toadlena, Aaron
- Toadlena, James W.
- Todacheeny, Johnson
- Tolino, Rick
- Tom, Gilbert
- Tom, Jack
- Tom, Lilly
- Tom, Mary Lou
- Tom, Randall
- Tortalita, Lorenzo
- Tracey, Ray
- Troncosa, Jacob
- Tsabetsaye, Roger
- Tsadiasi, Percy J.
- Tsikewa, David
- Tsinnie, Larry
- Tsinnie, Orville
- Tsireh, Awa
- Tsosie, Bobby
- Tsosie, Ervin
- Tsosie, Herbert
- Tsosie, Irene
- Tsosie, Kerah
- Tsosie, Mabel
- Tsosie, Milton
- Tsosie, Richard
- Tucson, Stewart and Mary
- Vacit, Frank
- Vandever, Alvin
- Vandever, Delbert
- Vandever, Roy
- Vandever, William
- Verde, Jake
- Waatsa, Lorraine
- Waatsa Jr., Bryant
- Wadsworth, Ronald
- Wadsworth, Ted
- Wadsworth, Terry
- Wall, Steve
- Warner, Selina
- Weahkee, Tom
- Weebothee, Lee
- Weebothee, Lee and Mary
- Weekoty, Jack
- Werito, Sampson
- Westika, Sheldon and Nancy
- White, John
- White, Phil
- White Cloud, Wylie
- Whitman, Elizabeth
- Whitman, Tim Kee
- Willeto, Tom
- Williams, Arthur J.
- Willie, Ronnie
- Willie, Wes
- Wilson, Ike
- Wolf, Christin
- Woody, Clyde
- Woody, Norman
- Wright, Orville
- Wydell, Billie
- Yawakia, Lila
- Yazz, Jim
- Yazzie, Antonio
- Yazzie, Ben
- Yazzie, Charlie Mike
- Yazzie, Ellie
- Yazzie, Evelyn
- Yazzie, Foster
- Yazzie, Harrison
- Yazzie, Joe D.
- Yazzie, Johnson
- Yazzie, Julius
- Yazzie, Kay
- Yazzie, Kee
- Yazzie, Lee
- Yazzie, Leslie
- Yazzie, Luke Billy
- Yazzie, Mark
- Yazzie, Mary Marie
- Yazzie, Melissa
- Yazzie, Raymond
- Yazzie, Sally
- Yazzie, Shonna
- Yazzie, Timmy
- Yazzie Jr., Wallace
- Yazzie Sr., Willie A.
- Yellowhorse, Alvin
- Yellowhorse, Artie
- Yellowhorse, Betty
- Yellowhorse, Lynol
- Yellowhorse, Patrick
- Yellowhorse, Richard "Little"
- Yellowhorse, Steve
- Yowytewa, Hubert
- Yoyokie, Elsie
- Yoyokie, Gary
- Zunie, Helen and Lincoln