Collection - Yei Rugs and Sandpainting Rugs



Interested in learning more about authentic Navajo Yei rugs? Check out this video by Medicine Man Gallery owner, Dr. J. Mark Sublette.


Read more about authentic Navajo Yei rugs in these informative articles

Authentic Navajo Yei Rug

Weaving the Dance: Navajo Yei Rugs, originally published in Western Art & Architecture magazine

In this article, you will learn about Navajo Yei rugs and why collectors find them so desirable. The article also provides an overview of Navajo sandpainting ceremonies and how Yei rugs are related to them. Read more...

Navajo Yeibeichei Rug

Navajo Rugs, Part 2, from Western Art Collector magazine

In this comprehensive article, Dr. J. Mark Sublette discusses Navajo rugs from the 1920s to the present day, including sections on Yei and Yeibeichai rugs, sandpainting rugs, and other pictorial rugs. Read more...


Navajo textiles expert Dr. J. Mark Sublette has been a leading authority on authentic Navajo rugs and blankets for over 30 years. Medicine Man Gallery, located in Tucson, Arizona, has one of the country’s largest collections of Navajo weavings, including a Yei rugs, Yeibeichai rugs, sandpainting rugs, and pictorial Navajo weavings.