Moyers, John

John Moyers followed closely in the footsteps of his father, beginning his career as an animator at Walt Disney Studios in California. The indoor studio work, however, was not what Moyers was driven to do, and in 1979 he accepted an invitation from Cowboy Artist Robert Lougheed to attend an artist workshop at a game preserve in British Columbia. At the workshop, John Moyers honed his plein air painting skills, and met his future wife, Canadian native and fellow workshop attendee, Terri Kelly Moyers.
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Western artist John Moyers discusses new paintings

Western artist John Moyers discusses new paintings

Cowboy Artist of America John Moyers Epi 46, host Dr. Mark Sublette

Cowboy Artist of America John Moyers Epi 46, host Dr. Mark Sublette

Western Artist John Moyers, discusses his life growing up in New Mexico and how the Southwest influenced his collecting and artwork. John Moyers shares his method for painting and his artist influence the work of the famed Western Artist Robert Lougheed and going to Cal Arts his classmate included Tim Burton and John Lassiter.