The Real Deal: Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy of Western Art Collector magazine, Premiere Issue 2007

Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy Cowboys and Indians magazine, January 2009

Beauty and Grit - Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy of Art of the West magazine, September / October 2007

The Real Deal: Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy of Western Art Collector magazine, Premiere Issue 2007

Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy Cowboys and Indians magazine, January 2009

Beauty and Grit - Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy of Art of the West magazine, September / October 2007

The Real Deal: Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows
Reproduced courtesy of Western Art Collector magazine, Premiere Issue 2007