Copenhaver-Fellows, Deborah

National Sculpture Society member Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows is recognized throughout the United States for her bronze and silver sculpture. Her works are included in significant private, corporate, and public collections, including the Reagan White House and the United States Capitol Building collections. She has also created monumental sculpture for important venues, such as the State of Montana, the University of Texas, and the James Irvine Foundation. In 1990, Copenhaver-Fellows won the competition to sculpt the Washington State Korean War Memorial for the State Capitol grounds.
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Western Sculptor Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows Epi. 22, host Dr. Mark Sublette

Western Sculptor Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows Epi. 22, host Dr. Mark Sublette

Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows shares her life stories of growing up in rural Idaho at the top of a mountain and the obstacles she faced to become a world renown sculptor. From the daughter of a Rodeo Champion Bucking Bronco rider to being married to Cowboy Artist of America Fred Fellows. Deborah explains the struggles it took to make it in a profession dominated by men and to excel.