Star Liana York - Friendly Advice
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Part of "Raven Dialogues" series to include "Friendly Advice," "Eye to Eye," "Good Morning America," "Logging Off," "Logging On," and "Marching Orders" "This is a series based on observations of ravens with other animals that we witness here at our ranch in Abiquiu, NM. The candid interactions show me how much humor and play can exist between species, and can be quite surprising and entertaining to watch. We have many ravens that appear to want to open dialogue with our dogs and ourselves. Ravens will frequently follow us on horse back rides, and will often tease the dogs by dropping things on them from the safety of high branches, or hover above the dogs just above their jumping range. They will chatter at me when I work outside my studio on the portale, often mimicking other bird sounds to get my attention. They will follow the horses and sometimes sit on their backs as they graze, and chase coyotes from our pastures. Raven are intelligent, love to collect shiny objects, and have a sense of humor, so in this series I wanted to capture the characters and personalities I'm so fortunate to experience here at our home." - Star Liana York
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